Heading tags | Read all about the use of heading tags here
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Heading tags

Heading tags are headings on your website pages. By using h1, h2 and h3 heading tags you ensure that the readability of your website and therefore also the SEO structure of your website improves. Heading tags are ideal for processing your keyword and thus score better in Google search results.

Heading tags

h1 heading tag

This is the largest and most important heading tag. It is important that you include your keyword in the h1 heading tag.

h2 heading tag

This heading tag is smaller than the h1 heading tag, but still important. It is a good idea to also include your keyword here.

h3 heading tag

This heading tag is the smallest of the three. It is not necessary to include your keyword here, but it can help improve the readability of your page.

Common mistakes with heading tags

Heading tags are often used incorrectly. Sometimes multiple h1 heading tags are used on one page, which is not the intention. It is important to only include your keyword in one h1 heading tag. Furthermore, the order of the heading tags is often used incorrectly. Heading tags should be used in the order h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. Failure to do this can lead to poor readability of your page.

Influence of heading tags on SEO

Heading tags therefore influence the readability of your page and therefore also the SEO from your website. When you include keywords in your heading tags, Google will be able to index your page better. This means that you will score better in search results and therefore attract more visitors to your website.

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