Backlinks - Read all about backlinks and how to use them here
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Backlinks come from other websites on the internet. These websites refer to your website by means of a hyperlink. This means that people visiting these websites can get to your website in a much more direct way, but it has another advantage. These links also ensure that more recommendations are available on the internet from your website. All these backlinks are seen as recommendations by search engines, such as Google.


The more quality, relevant backlinks point to your website, the greater its authority in the sector you want to approach. Authority is important on the internet, as the Google search engine, for example, puts websites with a lot of authority and specialization at the top. Because these websites have the most recommendations via backlinks, it is expected that the most relevant information can also be found here. Ultimately, this means that people can find a niche's most important contribution at the top.


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