Google AMP | Read all about Google AMP and how to use it here
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Google AMP

What is Google AMP?

AMP is the abbreviation for Google Accelerated Mobile Pages. This new (web) standard significantly speeds up the loading of mobile website pages. AMP can be divided into three parts:

  2. AMP JS
  3. AMP Cache

Although integrating AMP will significantly speed up your website on mobile devices, you will have to make concessions regarding the layout and style of your website pages. We always think it is important to make a good decision, if the speed benefits the user experience and the website also remains user-friendly, then we say definitely do it! However, if the user experience is detrimental, we believe it is wise to consider whether this is the right solution for your speed problem.

Google AMP introduction video

The pros and cons of AMP

With AMP, Google mainly focuses on news sites and websites that regularly share news content. We expect this to be further expanded in the future. Since AMP is mainly aimed at news sites, this will currently cause more disadvantages for informational websites than advantages.

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