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Internal links for seo

What are internal links?

Internal links are links within your website. These links contribute to the structure and user-friendliness of your own website. Internal links are also very good for this SEO. The preceding word “SEO” is an example of one internal link.

The way internal links work

Internal links can be compared to backlinks. This is because of internal links linkjuice and ensure that pages with a high number of incoming links receive a higher authority and will therefore score better in Google in the long term. From this we can conclude that an internal link can be seen as a recommendation in the eyes of Google. You recommend that you view the page the link points to.

Internal link structure

To understand how internal links contribute to the SEO structure of your website, it is useful to compare your website with a book with different pages. Like in a book, each page has its own content and it is therefore possible to use each page separately SEO Optimization to optimize for Google. So you can optimize per page for a keyword with which you would like to be found on that page within the Google search results.

A book often has a table of contents that shows the references to the various chapters. You also want these types of references within your website, internal links provide a spider web of references to the different pages within your own website.


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