Meta tags | Read all about meta tags and how to use them here
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Meta tags

What are meta tags

Meta tags are part of the source code of your website, these tags in your source code tell search engines and social media what is on the relevant page of your website. The meta tags are in the source code of your website and are therefore only visible when you view the source code.

In short, you could say that meta tags are a way to help search engines like Google to let you know what is on your website page and to (positively) influence the search results.

Why use meta tags?

Meta tags (still) play an important role SEO optimization. The “title tag” and “meta description” are especially important here.

In most cases, the above tags are shown by search engines in the search result as a title and description of the result in question. If you ensure that each page of your website has a unique title tag and meta description, it will be rated higher by search engines. In addition, make sure that you do your best in the title and description to activate the potential customer (website visitor), for example by trying to persuade the customer to click on the link in the search result.

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