Mobile website, you can't live without it - iMedia Bureau
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Mobile website, you can't live without it anymore

You have a company and of course you also have a website with or without a webshop. You know that nowadays a company has to be represented on the Internet. Customers and potential customers first consult the internet when they are looking for a product or service.

Your company's website is no longer only viewed on desktop computers, but also on mobile devices. This has consequences for the company's website. After all, the screen of a mobile phone is much smaller than that of a desktop computer. The display of the website must be adapted to the screen on which the website is viewed. In other words: the website must be responsive, but why is a mobile website so important?

Mobile is booming

Just quickly check your smartphone to see if there is a restaurant nearby. Where can I find a parking space? Book a hotel quickly and there are many more examples. And now we have arrived at an important point: we do it all with the smartphone; we do it all mobile!

Internet turnover continues to grow significantly every year: in 2018, turnover from online sales grew by an average of 17.8 percent. Nowadays, young and old use the internet and we increasingly do so with mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. In 2018, more than 50 percent of internet use took place via mobile devices and the share will only increase rapidly in the coming years. Mobile internet is booming!

Google and your online findability

When determining the relevance of your website for the search query, Google also looks at the mobile version of the website. If the website is also presentable on mobile devices, the site will have a better ranking in the search results. “Mobile first”.

Potential customers consult the internet when they are looking for a product or service. A search engine is used for this. Google is by far the most used search engine. In the Netherlands, Google accounts for more than 95 percent of all searches.

A good ranking is important. You want to at least end up on the first page of the search results, because in more than 90 percent of the cases, the follow-up pages are no longer looked at. Desired result not found? A new search query is then immediately entered.

Mobile internet: local is important!

The mobile internet user differs from the internet user who uses a desktop. People sometimes want to take the time to search and scroll behind a desktop, but a mobile internet user wants to be able to find the information on the small screen quickly and easily.

Mobile internet users carry their smartphones everywhere and are actually constantly online. They use the internet where they are located. How do I get from A to B? Is there a hotel nearby? Where can I find a flower shop here? Many searches are locally oriented. It is therefore important that small and medium-sized businesses are also present on the web. They in particular can benefit from the “mobile boom”.

For local searches, assignments that mention a place or street, for example, the local internet pages get the highest ranking. As a local entrepreneur, it is therefore important to inform Google via the website where the company is located. Google also uses the smartphone's GPS to determine where the viewfinder is located.

Mobile is suitable for Apps

More and more people are purchasing on the internet via smartphones. However, the mobile internet user only has a small screen available, but wants to be able to find the information quickly and easily. To make it easy for the user of your mobile website, you can have an application or app developed. This person takes the customer by the hand and quickly guides him or her through an ordering or reservation process, for example.

An application is an extension of the mobile website and they are very popular among users because of the convenience they offer. If the customer needs your service again, they can quickly order, reserve, pay or view or purchase other services and products via the application without searching. Fast and easy for the mobile customer and therefore also a good way to bind customers to your company.

Mobile internet and social media

The mobile internet is ideal for communicating with social media. The Netherlands had approximately eleven million social media users in 2018, with WhatsApp, YouTube and Facebook being the leaders. The Dutchman spends almost two hours of his time on social media every day.

Using social media for your company is an opportunity to maintain the bond with your customers and potential customers. Links from the media to a mobile website make it easy for the customer to place an online order with your company via Facebook, for example.

Near future for mobile internet: 5G

Finally, think about the future. It is already in use in America and South Korea: 5G, the fifth generation of wireless network technology. About twenty times faster than the current 4G network. This 5G network uses the current network, but in order to send more data, higher frequencies and more efficient use of technology are used.

“The Internet of Things”. The 5G network will ensure that many more matters can be handled via the mobile internet. There are more and more smart devices that communicate with the mobile phone via the internet. For example, you can use an app to turn on the coffee maker at home at work, or view the images from your home's security cameras. In the future, much more will become possible with 5G, in which the mobile website can also play an important role.

Mobile website, a must for young and old

It doesn't matter whether you do business locally, nationally or internationally. The use of mobile devices is increasing rapidly everywhere. Internet consumers worldwide spend an average of more than six hours a day on mobile internet. This is largely due to the popularity of the smartphone.

More than 90 percent of Dutch people own a smartphone in 2018 and more than 60 percent have a tablet. It is therefore not surprising that mobile internet is also booming in the Netherlands. Don't miss the boat and make sure your mobile website is prepared for the future and the (mobile) customer of tomorrow.

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